Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cholesterol questions


All cholesterol is bad for us

Myth: Cholesterol is normal and essential to our health- it is part of our body cells and hormones and is used by the body to help digest fat. In our bodies, we have good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol. In simple terms, our total cholesterol is the total of the good and the bad. Generally, the lower your total cholesterol, the healthier it is for your heart.

Eating foods containing cholesterol should be avoided

Myth: Contrary to what you may think, cholesterol in food does not effect our "Bad" cholesterol as much as saturated fat does. Therefore, it is more important to reduce your saturated fat intake to help keep your heart healthy.

1 comment:

AFamilyMan said...

Hi noel thanks for the posting on cholesterol. i'm very familiar with this body chemical since i've had 1 by-pass surgery and 1 stent inplant in my life time and i'm only 49 years old. doctors are scratching their heads asking why a man as young as me has had heart problems so early in my life. i dont know why but i'm sure it has something to do with the way i eat. good topic since heart disease is at the top of the list for reasons many americans die. thanks