Sunday, February 24, 2008

My New Pair of Sandals

Footwear are really needed for us to protect our feet. I have a slipper that reaches almost a year now and still in good condition. I bought it in one of the stores here in Davao City. It is a black slipper with a native design that the Davaoenos called it "Tinalak". It is really durable and no one can surpass its record among my other pairs of footwear. Awhile ago me and my family go shopping and as we walk towards the grocery department to buy foods, I notice this small cubicle with sandals displayed on top. I was amaze with the items because the materials are so light that you don't even now that your wearing sandals onto your feet so, I decided to buy one. I like the design so much, it is light, very comfortable, and durable OOopppsss.... I would like to add another one.. It is really cheap It cost only 129 pesos.

Happy New Sandal hahahaha!!!

1 comment:

cathara said...

Happy new sandals! hahaha! ganahan ko ana ba..uso na man na ron..

barefoot!i jsut love being in that way most of the time.

anyway, youve been tagged and awarded here!